Thursday, January 1, 2009


cant a person be board and love it 
am board and i kinda wanna be board coz my life is full of shit that i dont need well g2g but i'll be back l8r 

A fuckin' start to the new year . happy new year....... hopefully ly

so happy new year ppl and happy i feel like crap year to the 2 ppl wo append to pass by my friend 3washa just had the awesome start to her year..................not really 
you might be thinking wht happened .... well her mom made her cut her hair  ....................... poor hun
and my happy new year event is ...............................drum roll plz .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .  my internet router is broken now am online with wires 
so its the perfect beginning to a perfect year ........................................ not